We drove out to an amazing dam for Taylah & Dan's adventure session - the weather was perfect, tall trees surrounded the dam and felt like we were on our own little island. We found one of our favourite little spots and had a barbeque and a bottle of wine before taming some parrots and heading straight into checking out the scenery and some amazing spots too shoot! We took the road trip from Perth up to Waroona, ate Doritos & Maccas on the way (nugs of course..). We listened to "dancing my own" a few times too many times and tried to decide if the original or if Calum Scott's version was better..

We also got absolutely attacked by March flies, so in between these gorgeous AF smiles were a few frowns and shrieks.... mostly from me let's be honest. We sat on a huge rock and watched the sun set behind the trees and over the lake, with some sweet tunes and more wine.

Spending the day with these two was an absolute blast. I can't wait to hang out with them again in October for their big day!!

xo, Ash